Sunday 11 May 2014

Kimba Gateway Hotel Motel

History of Kimba Gateway Hotel/Motel
Wally Bache held the license of the Yeelanna Hotel from 1913 to 1924, when he decided that business may be better at Kimba.
Not only did he transfer the hotel license, but he dismantled the whole Yeelanna Hotel, stone by stone, railed it to Kimba and re-erected it on the site it now sits today.
In the early pioneering days there were often horses and camels tied to the front veranda posts. The original stone can still be seen on the corner of High and Cross Streets. The hotel has been added to over the years and the entire stone building exterior was refurbished and repainted in 1999. The original entrance doors to the front bar were also on the corner of High and Cross Streets. An information board now sits in their place.
The original entrance doors to the front bar was also on the corner of High and Cross Streets, where our information board hangs today.
The Hotel remained under private ownership until February 1950 when the Kimba Progress Association negotiated with the Rositers to purchase the hotel lease, which included plant, furniture and stock.
The community investors raised the subscribed capital of $8,000 paid by means of debentures. The freehold of the property was bought for $26,500 in April 1951.
The Kimba community hotel is now under private owner ship and now is known as the Kimba Gateway Hotel.

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